Friday, November 20, 2009

New Adventure part 1/2

So lately there has been many changes and I am pretty sure you are all only getting pieces of it, well this is the first half of a whole new adventure!

About a month ago CJ and I disgussed his career choice and he found that Nursing is not what he is destined for. My being a planner was not exactly what I needed to hear, but I knew that Heavenly Father had a bigger plan. So CJ and I took a week to fast and pray together and we came up with possibilities. Before he went on his mission he wanted to be a civil Engineer, maybe in the Navy; so he went to the recruiters office and took a pre- ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery). The recruiter gave CJ a pamphlet on Nuclear Engineer, he was thrilled with this option and realized this was his plan.

So the next week CJ went in and quit the Nursing Program and signed up to go down to Phoenix to take the ASVAB. He did really well, tested in the top 97% and pre-qualified for Navy Nuclear Program. The next obstacle was getting a waiver signed about his high school grades (be careful they come back to haunt you). The recruiter said this takes about 24-48 hours, but just our luck the guy who had to sign it went on vacation. So three weeks later it was finally approved. So Tuesday November 17th, 2009 CJ signed a contract and oathed in ti be a United States Navy Nuclear Engineer.

So the question that comes to everyone, when will we leave? The plan thus far...
CJ will leave in September for Basic, two months later I will join him in South Carolina for a 15-18 month training. Now this could all change, CJ put in for Early Deployment, so this means he is on a waiting list for Boot Camp. I am not sure of how many are on the list before him.

Why part 1/2, well from now until he leaves we just wait...

1 comment:

The Schultz Family said...

*sniff* Ill be so sad when you go! You'll get pregnant and leave us to never see your baby!!
Hmm I sound like your mom.