Friday, February 8, 2013

February 4th 2013 11:34 PM

HE IS HERE! We Welcomed out beautiful baby boy Ammon into the world on the 4th at 11:34 pm.

So here is the story:
   I had gone in for a check up on January 29th and the doctor said I was still 1 cm and not thinning out.  So we set up an induction date of Feb. 5th at 7am.  Oh I was really excited to have an exact date, I don't know why...  The rest of the week went on with no progression   CJ and I went and walked around two malls and Costco.  We went to church and I still felt just fine.
Sunday evening CJ and I finished out our weekend and was getting ready to start what we knew would be a busy week, but I thought I had Monday to try and get a couple things done, but NOPE
At 1:30am my water broke!! So we were up and thankfully I had almost everything taken care of knowing it was around the corner anyways, so out the door we went!  When we arrived to labor and Delivery we were only 2 cm and nothing was really happening and they thought my water didn't break, so the Midwife asked if since I was already there if I would mind just being induced today.  I didn't mind we were already there.
So we were admitted to a delivery room and waited, ALL DAY LONG.  The nurse kept turning up my Pitocin drip and nothing was happening, but then at 1:30pm I was starting to feel contractions   And they Got really strong with in the hour, but guess what I was still only 4cm.  I was in so much pain!! I did not realize how much it was taking out of me.  So I opted for an Epidural   And slept for a couple hours. They kept checking me, and I was slowly progressing  finally at 10pm the doctor came in and I was finally 9cm and could be ready to push.  So at 11pm the Doctor came back and said ok the next contraction we are pushing.
It took 34 minutes of pushing and our little miracle was here!

8lbs 5oz   21 inches long and a head of hair!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

41 Weeks

Yup that is right 41 weeks!  I have made it past my due date contrary to what a lot of people have said about your first.  Truly your either on the early side of wives tails and say new moms go early or your on the late side.  Silly!
We will be induced on the 5th if he does not decide to come before then, I have been walking and walking, bouncing on a yoga ball and well other things to induce labor.

Well here is the last belly shot.

And this is for my mother in law. CJ was late as well.