Friday, November 1, 2013

Does She Write Anything Else...

So I am apologizing for only updating when Ammon is another month older.Seriously I never thought I would not have the time to update.

So here is an update on our life:
On September 3rd CJ flew from Norfolk VA to Bahrain to join the crew of the USS Harry S. Truman in there deployment. He will be gone till the spring.  He has had 2 port calls so far and has enjoyed getting to see some new places.  He is doing really well on the ship and he said he does have some bumps from hitting his head on low doors and low pipes.
It has been kind of difficult not having him around and having the extra help, but I have my hands full and keep myself busy with play dates.
For most of the deployment Ammon and I have come back to AZ to spend time with both mine and CJ's family. I am glad we came out, it has really made missing CJ a little less hard.

My update, I have been doing more to take care of my health and weight.  Before CJ left we started the couch to 5k program and I continued after he left.  I was doing so good getting out and running/ jogging 3 times a week until I got to AZ, but I am ready to get back to it.

Ammon is still doing great and he will have his own update here shortly. He is doing fairly well not having Daddy here, he knows when he calls and we get to skype, but he also knows he is not here everyday.

We miss CJ everyday and it is not easy seeing our lil' man grow each and every day with out daddy getting to see it, but I keep him posted.  I send him emails daily with a picture or a video.  CJ loves them!

So until next monthly kiddo update...

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