Thursday, April 14, 2011

What a sad, but happy time!

This past week I found out that my estranged grandfather on my dad's side of the family passed away. It was a sad moment, but it was hard to know what to feel. When I was about 5 or 6 he divorced my Grandma and moved back to Ohio, unfortunatly he burned just about every bridge with family before going. During the past 20 years, him and I have wrote back and forth. I hadn't heard form him for about 5 years and then I recieved a Christmas card about two years ago. Then it stopped again.

Well come to find out he was battling cancer and then about a week and a half ago he died from a heart attack.

Over the sad now and on to the happy, since my Grandpa's obituary was in the newspaper, I signed the online book and have had relatives I did not know contact me. I have been able to hear some of my history and get to see some great pictures. I can't wait to get more information from him and start a journal for it.
So here are some pictures:
Ok so this is my Fathers side of the family on my Great Grandma's Side.

This first picture is all my great aunts and uncles. The tall skinny one upfront is Uncle Eddie which is who my dad was named after and where my brother Eddie got his height from.This picture is my great great great Grandpa who served in WWl in France.

This is a picture of my Great great great grandparents.This is my great great grandfather in WWll
This is a wedding picture of my great grandparents and the couple on the left are my great great grand parents.
This is my Great grandparents
This is my grandpa on a pony (a real pony)

I am sad that my grandfather has passed on but I am thankful it has put me in touch with new family to learn and love!

1 comment:

Roger said...

I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Just know that he is in a better place now. And that is neat that you are able to start your family history from it. All these fun things you get to go! It was so great to see you. Then next time Southwest has deals, I would love to come visit!!