Lil' Man loves to be like daddy, whether it's at the ship or on Sunday. CJ's mom got the boys matching ties to wear. We love them!

We finally got our first picture of the newest peanut in the family. We are so excited that it was doing really well and growing right on track. I was only having mild food aversions but other than that another smooth pregnancy.

Then we were able to go to a Pumpkin Festival/ Patch with our great friends the Semlers. Lil' Man had so much fun with all the great activities and then getting to pick out his own pumpkin! It was so nice to have this family time together.

Now to carve said pumpkins. Sadly though Lil' man's pumpkin was already starting to go bad. He did not like the feel of the seeds and all the inners, but he did like stabbing the pumpkin to make his face and then well just stabbing it. All of our pumpkins went bad about 2 days after we carved them so we only got a quick picture before CJ had to pitch them. Lil' man's didn't even make it a day.

Halloween our Church ward had a Trunk or Treat festival and every year we dress a like as a family. This year CJ and I got to reuse our Halloween costumes from a couple years and I was able to make Lil' Man one to match so we could be a skeleton Family. This is also when we decided to tell friends at church that we were expecting!

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