I can not believe my lil' man is 18 months old! He is such a good smash up of me and his daddy. He definitely looks 100% like his dad, but he is a chatter box and smiles like me!
Today he had his check up- 27lbs 74% range, 32.5in tall 57% range and i didn't get his head circumference but it was in the 54% range. He is right on track and growing like a weed!
He has 12 teeth and he is getting two eye teeth.
He can tell you where his hair, ears, nose, bellybutton and feet are at.
He is so ticklish and loves to laugh at everything even if it was not funny.
He waves hi and bye, he gives high fives and loves to put things into the sink.
He gets into everything and breaks all the child locks.
Her are a few pictures to show my love!

This is his favorite cupboard and he is allowed in it, he sits in it quite often.
He loves to eat and the saucier it is the better to paint the high chair and some times even the wall.
He loves getting his picture taken and then he wants to see it. if you want to take his picture you have to be quick.
He always wants to eat his banana all by himself!
Our favorite thing to do is to eat lunch/dinner with daddy on board his ship. He loves getting to sit in his own seat and then watch all the people passing by.
This is my favorite picture!
Abby and Lil' Man are best of friends.
He is trying to be like his daddy and play the mouth harp. He loves watching daddy play and he always climbs on his lap to watch.
I love watching him grow and learn every day!
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