Saturday, February 2, 2013

41 Weeks

Yup that is right 41 weeks!  I have made it past my due date contrary to what a lot of people have said about your first.  Truly your either on the early side of wives tails and say new moms go early or your on the late side.  Silly!
We will be induced on the 5th if he does not decide to come before then, I have been walking and walking, bouncing on a yoga ball and well other things to induce labor.

Well here is the last belly shot.

And this is for my mother in law. CJ was late as well. 


Paula and Eddie said...

I'd like to know who said first babies are early because I've never heard that! The majority of people I know are in the same boat as you. Hang in there! We'll see him next week! Yea!

Becka said...

You look sooooo cute! Congrats!