Friday, July 13, 2012

Progress is made

We are still in a state of euphoria about our pregnancy! I am still feeling really good.  No morning sickness (both sister-in-laws are jealous of this), no big cravings.

Since we were with a fertility doctor and on fertility drugs before we got pregnant, my doctor wanted to do one last check up before turning me over to a general OB. So we went in today to have another ultra sound done.
So as soon as we saw this picture our little peanut started wiggling around. I immediately said "oh my it looks like a gummy bear." Our Peanut was moving around the entire time, it was so neat to see.  We saw the heart beat and it was beating just as it should be!

When we returned to the car CJ started laughing and when I asked he started singing this song:


1 comment:

Liz said...

I have never been so happy for anyone then I am for you two!!!