This last year has brought so many blessings in our lives and one is moving to the beautiful East Coast. We have been here for almost two months and this is our first trip to the beach. We were excited to be able to go and explore. Since it is the off season we can take the dogs and walk along the water.

I would love to live in one of these houses, but not when a hurricane is in the forecast. But the view is just one of God's beautiful creations!

The dogs are suppose to be on their leashes the entire time, but we came across a portion where no one was walking by and we let them off and threw a stick around for them. It took some getting used to the waves coming in, but once they realized the water wouldn't hurt them they jumped around!

We had such a great time, and can't wait to go back. It is so nice to be so close to the beach and be able to go when ever the sun is shinning.
To bring in the new year we spent time with our new friends the Blosil's and the Waldron's. We had great food and played some great games together.
Here is to hopefully another GREAT year!
Ah!! Sisiter Nikki! I never emailed you back!! I LOVE you and I'm gone! Away in a faw away state missing everybody so bad! I LOve you!! !
i LoVe YoU aNd MiSs YoU bOtH.!!
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