This past week CJ and I were able to go and help clean the South Carolina Temple. Since there are not very many wards around here the Temple calls upon each to help clean. I was so excited to go and see what this Temple looked like.

We were even more excited that we were going on our anniversary! I just figured we would get assigned to a bathroom or endowment room for vaccuuming, well some did, but I well I was chosen to go and clean the Celestial room, ALL BY MYSELF! Oh I will have to say I felt like a little girl about ready to enter Disneyland. I had butterflies and I couldn't stop smiling.
Everytime I go to the Temple I am filled with excitement and I have the usual over whelming feeling. I can usually feel the spirit and can relax and forget about everything in life. This "cleaning" time was a little different. Have you ever sat in a Celestial Room by yourself? Or been to one where NO ONE was talking?
I felt so encompassed by the Spirit that while I was vaccuuming I was teary eyed. While dusting I couldn't help but remember my first time in a Celestial room. It was so quiet I could hear myself praying and I could just sit and feel Heavenly Father sit beside me.
I LOVED being able to give service to God and be blessed while doing so. I will always remember the beautiful and peaceful feeling of sitting with God in His House.
I am so thankful for the blessings of my life and I can not wait for the next time I am able to go and give service to those who have gone before me!