So December has been a very busy month both at home and at work. I always realize around this season that college does not prepare you for school parties. But I have been doing pretty good so far. We had Christmas plays, and Christmas activities, and well a lot of good spirit and cheer.
So I have posted a montage of pictures. This is the first time I have used this new program I found.
This first one is of CJ. He was such a sport, I love him dearly for doing this. The First grade and Kindergarten teachers asked if he would dress up as Santa. Everyone loved it, but he needed to eat more cookies, he is a very skinny Santa!

This was one of the activities we did in second grade is make Gingerbread Houses (aka Graham Cracker Houses). First you rinse out 32 stinky milk jugs and then you tape them closed and tape two of them together. Then the kids use frosting to "glue" on Graham Crackers to make the house. Then you let them go to town on decorating their houses. Some kids did a great job, others well they are very imaginative and creative to say the least. Thanks mom for coming in and helping!

Well while all of this was taking place at school there was a miracle of life at my mom's house. She breeded their two muts and well Sadie gave birth to 13 beautiful puppies. They are so precious. There is already claim to four of them. We claimed the first born, it was a girl and CJ fell in love with her. She was a dark brown coat with white tipped toes and a white tipped tail, and one white stripe down her belly. She is so noisy and whines and tries to bark all the time! Can't wait to bring her home!

After school got out for the holiday break we did a lot of family visits. On Sunday before Christmas we went down to Phoenix to visit my mom's family and CJ met my oldest aunt. We had dinner with them and then cam home (no pictures).
Then on Monday we had all of CJ's family and dogs (they out number us now) over for Christmas.
It was a lot of fun, we decided to pick a name and get gifts for that person, but some of us slipped in others. Mom got a new camera, Meghan and I got new Kithen aides, CJ got a new rifle (Thanks Colton). It was a lot of fun and it was nice to get everyone together.

Then Christmas morning we went over to my parents house for presents. It seems like everyone got what they needed. My mom got new pots and a rice cooker. Dad got the rifle he had been on hold for since Thanksgiving. Jeremiah got a practice bow and arrows. Summer got cute things to put in her room and clothes. I got a little vacuum for my classroom and CJ got a nice hard case for his guns.

This next set is just pictures of presents that CJ and I got. He bought me a Cricut (Karisa you need to come help me play), he also got me a bead case and crazy scissors! CJ got a new drill and his WWII Riffle and a 9mm riffle from his brother-in-law. So to say the least we made out pretty good and had an amazing Christmas season.

Despite all the presents and holiday hustle and bustle, I tried very hard to to keep in mind the true Christmas meaning. CJ and I still rea our scriptures each night and pray each day for the love of our Savior and the blessing he has given to us. We are grateful for the knowledge of his atonement and what Christ sacrificed for us when he was born. Thank you Jesus Christ!
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