Saturday, December 28, 2013


6 Years!
"I love you also means I love you more than anyone loves you, or has loved
you, or will love you, and also, I love you in a way that no one loves you, or
has loved you, or will love you, and also, I love you in a way that I love no
one else, and never have loved anyone else, and never will love anyone else

Our six years have included 4 different homes, 3 different states, a few job changes, and our Beautiful Son. Families are Forever!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thanksgiving in AZ

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
It started the week before with my in laws and going to Organ Stop Pizza, for great music and good pizza.

Then Lil' Man and I headed up to Prescott Valley to join my family, and we ended getting a great surprise of my brother and his family! So my mom was able to have all her Grandkids together!

We then headed back to Phoenix.
My brother and his family and lil' man and I went to my step mom's house to meet up with my Step Sister and her little family. We loved having all the kids together.

From there we went to my grandparents house for the main part of the day.
While there we were able to get a 5 generations picture with my Great Grandfather who is 98 this year.

Then we headed over to my Aunt's house to introduce the newest grandkids (my little guy and my brother's second daughter) to my Dad's side of the family.

By the time we headed home we were all very exhausted, but we had a great time being able to see every one and enjoy ourselves.

Then after Thanksgiving the family went to our local Casino and Resort to look at the Gingerbread Village. While there the resort had a Santa Claus! 
We were able to get all 3 grandkids (and Eddie) in for a picture!

It was such a great weekend!

10 Month

10 Months! OH MY!
I still can not believe that I have a 10 month old. 2 months from a year. My Baby is slowing getting bigger!

 He loves making faces at pretty much any one, but when you get a camera out, man he lights up!

 Our first Santa visit went really well.  He sat just fine and had fun too!
This was our surprise today.  I had gone up the stairs and he wanted to follow. Papa caught him climbing the gate!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

9 Months

It is so crazy that my Lil'Man is 9 months!
He is growing like a weed!
Weighing in at 19lbs and Measuring 29in long!
He is crawling and pulling up on all the furniture.
He also loves using his bigger toys to push and learn to walk.

Pumpkin Patch
Trying to eat Nana's Sweet Potatoes

Halloween My little Monkey

He is already getting sneaky...

Friday, November 1, 2013

Does She Write Anything Else...

So I am apologizing for only updating when Ammon is another month older.Seriously I never thought I would not have the time to update.

So here is an update on our life:
On September 3rd CJ flew from Norfolk VA to Bahrain to join the crew of the USS Harry S. Truman in there deployment. He will be gone till the spring.  He has had 2 port calls so far and has enjoyed getting to see some new places.  He is doing really well on the ship and he said he does have some bumps from hitting his head on low doors and low pipes.
It has been kind of difficult not having him around and having the extra help, but I have my hands full and keep myself busy with play dates.
For most of the deployment Ammon and I have come back to AZ to spend time with both mine and CJ's family. I am glad we came out, it has really made missing CJ a little less hard.

My update, I have been doing more to take care of my health and weight.  Before CJ left we started the couch to 5k program and I continued after he left.  I was doing so good getting out and running/ jogging 3 times a week until I got to AZ, but I am ready to get back to it.

Ammon is still doing great and he will have his own update here shortly. He is doing fairly well not having Daddy here, he knows when he calls and we get to skype, but he also knows he is not here everyday.

We miss CJ everyday and it is not easy seeing our lil' man grow each and every day with out daddy getting to see it, but I keep him posted.  I send him emails daily with a picture or a video.  CJ loves them!

So until next monthly kiddo update...

Friday, October 4, 2013

8 Months!

I Can not believe how big he is getting and all the new stuff he is learning! 
I wish CJ were here to see, but He is here in our hearts!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

7 Months

My Beautiful baby!! He is getting so big and so he has such a great personality!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Family Pictures

Thank you to our wonderful friend Channon at Urban Chic Portraits we got some great family pictures done! She did an AMAZING JOB!!
****Family! When I come out we can get some printed off, I have the copyrights.  You can not print them****

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Eastern Shore

Today we decided to go for a drive. It was a lot of fun. In Virginia the have a peninsula that is only connect to VA by a bridge tunnel that is 14 miles long. It has two tunnels and Three sections of bridges.
After the first section of bridge coming from Norfolk there is a fishing pier and restaurant. We stopped there and walked down the pier.

Then we drove the remaining of the way, on the Eastern shore they have a wildlife preserve that also had an old Army bunker from the war.  We just walked a few trails and one led to a salt marsh overlook.

At the end of our walking we just found a bench to have some lunch.

The Eastern Shore is nothing like the greater Norfolk/ Virginia Beach area. The homes are old farm houses with at least an acre surrounding each one. We only passed one major grocery store, but a ton of little roadside kiosks for Fireworks, ham, and bacon (all in one).
We loved our little trip.