I have passed a few minor check points in a pregnancy, first "passing" my gestational diabetes test! I guess I am doing a good job staying healthy. Next little man has run out of room in me and has so nicely started to stretch his way out! Finally we have hit our final trimester with 84 days to go!

We can not wait to meet this little guy and hold him. I know I am far enough a long to know there is someone there, but I think until I hold him I will not believe I was pregnant. I keep telling CJ that every one is just tricking me it is all one big hoax, even the movement ... Not sure how that one is happening but I am still so much in shock that we get to be parents!

***In other news we still have NO CLUE when we will be moving! We hope it will be in December and there is a good chance it will be, but please don't hold your breathe for us.
*** Here is just a cute pic of Abby. Since we are moving we decided to sell our three piece couch set for something smaller. Well we sold the couches before our new one came in so the dogs are a little put out that they can not sit with me on the couch.