WE DID IT! We are pregnant!
It was kind of out of the blue. We were in the middle of an IUI cycle that was cancelled. I was suppose to be waiting for my period to start and then start Birth Control for a month so my body could get back to normal, I even went and got the birth control.
Well my period never started and once back from Girls Camp I decided I should probably rule out pregnancy and call the doctor to let him know I have yet to start.
Thursday June 14th at 4:45am I had to pee and figured I would take the test and go back to bed. So I washed my hands got a drink and looked at the test, PREGNANT. I saw it right there, I could not believe it.
I made CJ sit up and he was a little annoyed as his alarm was suppose to go off in 15 mins, but once he realized what I was holding and saw the screen he got a big smile on his face as well.
When the Fertility Clinic opened I called and got an appointment for a blood test.
They called at about 2:30 and I was pregnant!
We kept it from close family till Fathers day and skyped with CJ and I's parents and called a few others. The rest of you will get this in email or by reading it.
June 28 2012, this is our first OB appointment and we got to see our little peanut! We are measuring at 7 weeks and 1 day! We were able to see the heart beat. Doc said baby is growing at the normal rate and we should have a good pregnancy!

We are offically due February 9th 2013.
We are so excited and well I am still in denial for a while!