Monday, December 24, 2012
5 Weeks to go!!!!
Oh my goodness!! I can not believe all I have left could be 5 weeks! This pregnancy went way to fast! Can't wait to finally meet Little Man!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Good Bye South Carolina, Hello Virginia
So I have been lazy in updating, some probably want a preggo picture, but you will have to wait.
So far December has been nuts. If you follow my posts on Facebook you saw a few things happening.
First thing first, CJ qualified as a Nuclear Mechanic and finally was able to "graduate" training at the end of November! We have been waiting since September for this to happen. We have known since then we would be stationed in Virginia. CJ will be part of the Decommissioning of the USS Enterprise which was the first Nuclear Propulsion Air Craft Carrier. We are so excited since this means he will have a sea duty without any deployments!
So this started the ball rolling on our move, within 2 weeks we had the movers scheduled for pick up and a check out date for our duplex. It happened so fast I didn't have time to freak or even think about it! By the 6th of December we were Free of base housing in Goose Creek South Carolina.
By the 7th we were on a plane for a ten day trip to AZ. What a Trip! It went so fast, we tried to fit in all of AZ's best Christmas stuff, 2 baby showers and Family pictures. We had every day booked full and well every evening I was out cold. Unfortunately by the end of the week my feet were starting to swell and my hips are really starting to get ready for Little man!
On the 17th we were back to South Carolina to get our vehicles and the dogs and tie up a few last strings, by the 19th we were on the road for 8 hours to Norfolk Virginia. By the 20th we had our keys to our new place, we felt like royalty. We went from 2 bedroom 1 bath, to a 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath! A fenced yard, oh we hit it big! We really like our new place, I think once everything is unpacked and put away it will look great.
Next on our list, get ready for little man who could be here at the end of January. Then we get to introduce him to our parents!!
So keep checking back and follow our GREAT new ADVENTURES!!!!
So far December has been nuts. If you follow my posts on Facebook you saw a few things happening.
First thing first, CJ qualified as a Nuclear Mechanic and finally was able to "graduate" training at the end of November! We have been waiting since September for this to happen. We have known since then we would be stationed in Virginia. CJ will be part of the Decommissioning of the USS Enterprise which was the first Nuclear Propulsion Air Craft Carrier. We are so excited since this means he will have a sea duty without any deployments!
So this started the ball rolling on our move, within 2 weeks we had the movers scheduled for pick up and a check out date for our duplex. It happened so fast I didn't have time to freak or even think about it! By the 6th of December we were Free of base housing in Goose Creek South Carolina.
By the 7th we were on a plane for a ten day trip to AZ. What a Trip! It went so fast, we tried to fit in all of AZ's best Christmas stuff, 2 baby showers and Family pictures. We had every day booked full and well every evening I was out cold. Unfortunately by the end of the week my feet were starting to swell and my hips are really starting to get ready for Little man!
On the 17th we were back to South Carolina to get our vehicles and the dogs and tie up a few last strings, by the 19th we were on the road for 8 hours to Norfolk Virginia. By the 20th we had our keys to our new place, we felt like royalty. We went from 2 bedroom 1 bath, to a 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath! A fenced yard, oh we hit it big! We really like our new place, I think once everything is unpacked and put away it will look great.
Next on our list, get ready for little man who could be here at the end of January. Then we get to introduce him to our parents!!
So keep checking back and follow our GREAT new ADVENTURES!!!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
30 Weeks
This is our final 10 weeks! We can not believe how fast it has gone. We have 68 days left.
We have started two week check ups and still we are very low risk.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
28 Weeks!
I have passed a few minor check points in a pregnancy, first "passing" my gestational diabetes test! I guess I am doing a good job staying healthy. Next little man has run out of room in me and has so nicely started to stretch his way out! Finally we have hit our final trimester with 84 days to go! 
*** Here is just a cute pic of Abby. Since we are moving we decided to sell our three piece couch set for something smaller. Well we sold the couches before our new one came in so the dogs are a little put out that they can not sit with me on the couch.
Monday, October 8, 2012
So a couple updates:
CJ is still in protoype, they have extended the class because the Submarine he works on has been down since August. So instead of us leaving by now we are here till Hopefully Thanksgiving.
If you haven't already heard we will be moving to Norolk, Virginia. It was not our choice, but we are getting used to the idea and all the new adventures we will be able to take.
Baby update: We had an appointment a couple weeks ago and well Little Man is well definitely a little man! He was showing off pretty good. We don't have the pictures yet cause the Tech had to fix our CD, but he is measuring really good, everything is growing the way it should be.
Little man is quite active. CJ has felt him a few times and well I feel him all the time!
CJ is still in protoype, they have extended the class because the Submarine he works on has been down since August. So instead of us leaving by now we are here till Hopefully Thanksgiving.
If you haven't already heard we will be moving to Norolk, Virginia. It was not our choice, but we are getting used to the idea and all the new adventures we will be able to take.
Baby update: We had an appointment a couple weeks ago and well Little Man is well definitely a little man! He was showing off pretty good. We don't have the pictures yet cause the Tech had to fix our CD, but he is measuring really good, everything is growing the way it should be.
Little man is quite active. CJ has felt him a few times and well I feel him all the time!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Happy 27th!
Today is my birthday and I LOVE it! I love my birthday, it is the one time of the year were it is all about me, attention is on ME. Selfish... I think not. Everyone should want to be spoiled and looked after one day of the year. Today was a special day for my parents and it will be for me forever!
So CJ and his sister (thanks Meg!) came up with this scavenger hunt for me when I came home from Visiting Teaching this morning.
So CJ and his sister (thanks Meg!) came up with this scavenger hunt for me when I came home from Visiting Teaching this morning.
To the most important
woman in the world this day:
Happy Birthday! I hope you know how much you mean to me. I have put together a scavenger hunt
around our home to remind you of some of my favorite memories that we have made together. Here is your first clue!
The first time I saw you I
could hardly wait to take you on our very first date;
It would be "dandy" if we could meet
at the place where I took you to eat!
This was at "The Office" in Prescott, so I went into our office and found some wild flowers.
With a ring in my pocket~ I was so excited, you see
That I even forgot to
get down on one knee!
Go to the place where these gems are stored
to see what has been added to your nice little hoard...
This was a huge fake heart ring and it was in my jewelry box.
Clue #3:
Something old, something new~ Remember when we said "I
On the glorious day
that you took my last name
I wish I could put my memory in a frame....
This was a frame of us walking on the Mesa Temple grounds
Clue #4:
We started our journey at 3028,
But things started to get fun
at 3171!
Though our time been long here at 39,
I'm sure our next place will be just fine!
This was a bottle of sparkling Cider outside our house
Clue #5:
Hi-ho, Hi-ho, off to the Navy we go!
You've been so supportive;
it's no piece of cake-
With the piles of laundry I've started to make!
This was on our washer with a cake cutter
Clue #6:
Oh, the places we go!
The adventures we take!
It might not be a fairytale,
But what a story we make!
This was in our bookshelf with a new pair of slippers!
Clue #7
Its been a long road, full of heartache and pain,
But from this point on, our
lives wont be the same.
It bought joy to my
heart and tears to my eyes
When you gave me this most wonderful
The time has now come for your birthday kiss...
Where our baby was made in a moment of bliss!
CJ was in our room with flowers and a red velvet cake and Sparkling Cider, and my new necklace, and a letter!
Tonight we went out to this fabulous restaurant in Charleston called Poogan's Porch, great food with a good price tag. We then headed to get some frozen yogurt and do a little sight seeing.
I will have to say this has been a great Birthday!
I will have to say this has been a great Birthday!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
How far along are you?
To answer that I would have to know which Doctor you want an answer from.
The Fertility Doctor says about 11 weeks 5 days or so, but my new OB says about 13 weeks. So when am I do? UM Somewhere between January 28th and February 9th.
Our poor OB had such a problem getting good pictures of our Peanut. It was moving around everywhere. She asked if I could feel the movement yet and I have not, but she said good luck once you can. It was quite amazing how active the baby was.
So far I have been blessed to have a great pregnancy so far. No morning sickness and I have not gained any weight as of yet.
CJ and I are quite excited and every time we get to have an ultra sound it just testifies to me how much God helps us!
The next doctor appointment will be at the end of August, we are only a few weeks away from seeing what we are having.
What do you think, Girl or Boy?
Friday, July 13, 2012
Progress is made
We are still in a state of euphoria about our pregnancy! I am still feeling really good. No morning sickness (both sister-in-laws are jealous of this), no big cravings.
Since we were with a fertility doctor and on fertility drugs before we got pregnant, my doctor wanted to do one last check up before turning me over to a general OB. So we went in today to have another ultra sound done.
Since we were with a fertility doctor and on fertility drugs before we got pregnant, my doctor wanted to do one last check up before turning me over to a general OB. So we went in today to have another ultra sound done.
So as soon as we saw this picture our little peanut started wiggling around. I immediately said "oh my it looks like a gummy bear." Our Peanut was moving around the entire time, it was so neat to see. We saw the heart beat and it was beating just as it should be!
When we returned to the car CJ started laughing and when I asked he started singing this song:
Thursday, June 28, 2012
WE DID IT! We are pregnant!
It was kind of out of the blue. We were in the middle of an IUI cycle that was cancelled. I was suppose to be waiting for my period to start and then start Birth Control for a month so my body could get back to normal, I even went and got the birth control.
Well my period never started and once back from Girls Camp I decided I should probably rule out pregnancy and call the doctor to let him know I have yet to start.
Thursday June 14th at 4:45am I had to pee and figured I would take the test and go back to bed. So I washed my hands got a drink and looked at the test, PREGNANT. I saw it right there, I could not believe it.
I made CJ sit up and he was a little annoyed as his alarm was suppose to go off in 15 mins, but once he realized what I was holding and saw the screen he got a big smile on his face as well.
When the Fertility Clinic opened I called and got an appointment for a blood test.
They called at about 2:30 and I was pregnant!
We kept it from close family till Fathers day and skyped with CJ and I's parents and called a few others. The rest of you will get this in email or by reading it.
June 28 2012, this is our first OB appointment and we got to see our little peanut! We are measuring at 7 weeks and 1 day! We were able to see the heart beat. Doc said baby is growing at the normal rate and we should have a good pregnancy!

We are offically due February 9th 2013.
We are so excited and well I am still in denial for a while!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Finally Did It!
Look what I got the first of the month!
For my non member friends this is a Young women Medallion. It represents the achievement of me completing Young Women's Personal Progress Book. This book is suppose to be completed by girls between the ages of 12-18, it is contains 8 different values Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice and Accountability, Good Works, Integrity, and Virtue. Each of these values has experience that include reading scriptures and an opportunity to change who you are and get to know who you are and who you want to be.Since I am a convert to the church I did not go through Young Women, so as a leader I took 4 years to complete mine and yes those 4 years I held a calling in Young Women.
This sounds funny, but I am so Proud of myself!
Girls Camp
This was my third year attending Girls Camp! I had a lot of fun! This year I was called by the Stake to do Second year Certifications. I was a little scared, but once I started reading through the manual and found a lot of the certifications could and would be covered by stake activities and by going on a hike! Lets do a little comparison:
Arizona Camp- All dirt and trees, log cabins, no door, community bathrooms, a little creek
South Carolina- Grass fields and trees, Cabins with Air Conditioning and bathrooms in the cabin, a lake and a pool. Did I mention air conditioning in all the cabins and buildings we used!
The leaders there for my ward were friends and we had a lot of laughs with the girls and we got to know the girls so well!
The leaders made some really cute Orange shirts for the ward to wear and we liked matching. We went on a really good hike and afterwards we did some Zumba!
Each day was full of great activities and opportunities for the girls to have fun and get to know each other and their leaders.
This year the girls made a huge STAR as their flag and had to do a dance for their skit, they did such a great job!
Great Camp, Great FUN!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Quit being mean to me!
So I have mentioned this in previous post, but here is a good laugh for everyone.
To catch others up: CJ and I decided to sell our couches on Craigslist for $2000. We got 2 people interested within 24 hours, the first said he would take them and send a check in the mail and set up for pick up. We were so excited, but in the back of my mind I kept a little reservation on the dealings. So we waited and emailed back in forth with the guy about getting the check to us and two weeks later I did receive checks. Yup I said it CHECKS.
Two, in separate envelopes, same amount, same date on the check, same check number in the amount of $4200. I promptly was worried. The checks were from a legitimate company out of California, Bank info out of Washington State, and post marked through Denver, CO.
The guy said the extra money was for me to give to the moving company and he sent two checks because he was not sure the first would make it. Well like I said already Checks had the same date on them and the envelope was dated the same day as well.
I took the checks in to Bank of America since that was the info on the check, the clerk immediately had to call over a manager. So the bank took all the info I had and said to talk to the police department. Police department could not do anything because I still had the money in my bank and the couches were still in my possession.
I promptly emailed the guy and told him the bank told me the checks were fake and he was not to contact me again. I then made sure his emails went into my trash and skipped the inbox.
I thought that was it until today when I received an overnight FedEx envelope with a check for $6400. AHHHHHH what in the world. This time he had an address in California, but the check company was in D.C. area and the bank out of Maryland. I looked in my trash fold and there it was and email from him saying he was sending another check. I could not believe it. I emailed him again to not contact me and I got this email instead
im michell niyas by name, from New York i am a civil engineer and i
have been into that for about 25 years now, i will love to know more
about you if you dont mind, I will be very pleased to read from you
soon, take good care of yourself, You made my day.
What in the world, and I looked again and some how my email about not contacting me is gone. CJ and I can not find it. So I emailed him AGAIN that I would contact the police if he kept harassing me. He promptly emailed me that he would do it first if I did not give the money to his shipping company. And AGAIN my email disappeared! I changed all my passwords now, I am so freaked out!
CJ and I decided to ignore, if he sends the cops well o-well, I have all the proof that it is a fraud. I kept everything and printed out all the emails. I am just a little nervous cause he does have my address, but I am hoping it is just him trying to bully us into giving him the money.
To catch others up: CJ and I decided to sell our couches on Craigslist for $2000. We got 2 people interested within 24 hours, the first said he would take them and send a check in the mail and set up for pick up. We were so excited, but in the back of my mind I kept a little reservation on the dealings. So we waited and emailed back in forth with the guy about getting the check to us and two weeks later I did receive checks. Yup I said it CHECKS.
Two, in separate envelopes, same amount, same date on the check, same check number in the amount of $4200. I promptly was worried. The checks were from a legitimate company out of California, Bank info out of Washington State, and post marked through Denver, CO.
The guy said the extra money was for me to give to the moving company and he sent two checks because he was not sure the first would make it. Well like I said already Checks had the same date on them and the envelope was dated the same day as well.
I took the checks in to Bank of America since that was the info on the check, the clerk immediately had to call over a manager. So the bank took all the info I had and said to talk to the police department. Police department could not do anything because I still had the money in my bank and the couches were still in my possession.
I promptly emailed the guy and told him the bank told me the checks were fake and he was not to contact me again. I then made sure his emails went into my trash and skipped the inbox.
I thought that was it until today when I received an overnight FedEx envelope with a check for $6400. AHHHHHH what in the world. This time he had an address in California, but the check company was in D.C. area and the bank out of Maryland. I looked in my trash fold and there it was and email from him saying he was sending another check. I could not believe it. I emailed him again to not contact me and I got this email instead
im michell niyas by name, from New York i am a civil engineer and i
have been into that for about 25 years now, i will love to know more
about you if you dont mind, I will be very pleased to read from you
soon, take good care of yourself, You made my day.
What in the world, and I looked again and some how my email about not contacting me is gone. CJ and I can not find it. So I emailed him AGAIN that I would contact the police if he kept harassing me. He promptly emailed me that he would do it first if I did not give the money to his shipping company. And AGAIN my email disappeared! I changed all my passwords now, I am so freaked out!
CJ and I decided to ignore, if he sends the cops well o-well, I have all the proof that it is a fraud. I kept everything and printed out all the emails. I am just a little nervous cause he does have my address, but I am hoping it is just him trying to bully us into giving him the money.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
That is that...
I don't want my blog to turn in to a fertility blog, that was not what I had in mind. I just want family and friends to be able to keep up with out sending emails and texts. So here is an update:
I went in to the doctor after three weeks into my cycle. I have been on Follistim for that amount of time and well nothing was happening. My ovaries were recruiting more follicles, but not growing to a size that would produce good eggs. So After spending $600 on the only drug I have to pay for during this whole thing we are pulling this cycle, which means I am off all drugs and we will not be doing an IUI. DR has put me on birth control for one cycle to keep my levels stable for the following cycle. Then we will start in on follistim for the following one.
Ok on to something else. CJ is going on to week six of Prototype and found ot he is on Crew C, they have 5 groups that rotate through a schedule: Days: 7:30am-7:30pm; T-Week: 7am-7pm (work 4 days, off 3); Mids: 7:30pm-7:30am; Swings: 11:30am-11:30pm. CJ will start on Mids, that is right all night. I think I can handle it for a little, CJ used to work nights and the dogs are pretty comfy to cuddle up to. He is doing so well and is really enjoying being able to make his own schedule and work at his own pace. He on the other hand can't wait to start shift work.
This week I got a little bit of a wake up call on how bad people make their way into our lives. I am not a naive person, but this showed me I need to be more guarded. CJ and I put our couches up for sale on Craigs list and with in hours we had a buyer. everything sounded ok, he did seem a little pushy about immediately cashing the check and letting him know so his shipping company could come get the couches. I had a inkling that this was not a good transaction, but I went a long any ways. We had agreed on one price, but we received a check for double, red flag number 2. I immediately took it a friend who once was a teller and she told me take it to a bank. Well Bank of America was on the check so I took it to them. I asked the teller to check it and make sure it was even real, I was not surprised when she had to call a manager over to read the screen and tell me it was a fake and I should not do anything else with it. The bank took copies and the information I had. I then headed to the police station. They asked if I wanted to press charges and then while speaking to a detective he said no crime has actually happened, I wasn't out the money from cashing a bad check and I still had my couches. So I headed home and wrote a short email which stated the Bank knew it was fake and he was to not contact me ever. Guess what nothing back!
Lesson: Cash only Local only!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Oh infertility...
O well April has come and gone and so did this cycle. IUI #2 did not work. We were very hopeful, we took Follistim for about 4 days and had about 2 Follicles that looked promising, but no such luck.
On to IUI #3, this month is a little different than last, it is taking more Follistim to get my Follicles to grow, so the cycle is a little lengthy. I have had my blood drawn a little to much this time, I am not being a very good girl about drinking my water and got into some trouble about my veins not being up to par, but it has to be done.
SO here is hoping to "third times a charm!"
On to IUI #3, this month is a little different than last, it is taking more Follistim to get my Follicles to grow, so the cycle is a little lengthy. I have had my blood drawn a little to much this time, I am not being a very good girl about drinking my water and got into some trouble about my veins not being up to par, but it has to be done.
SO here is hoping to "third times a charm!"
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Another Craft Post
I saw this on Pinterst and I wanted to do it. Thankfully I have a Habitat For Humanity resale store and I got what I needed for about $16.
I sanded off the top layer of green and found a nice shade fo blue, it made for a great antique look!
New Endevour
I am pretty crafty and if you talk to me I usually have something going on. But in our smaller house I am running out of room! A lot of people have told me I should sell my stuff, so I am!
I know have Nikki's Knick Knacks (thank you dad for the name). You can find me at Right now I have a minimal amount of items, but they are fun. So check it out and see if you "need" something! Here are a few things:

Monday, April 2, 2012
Another Month Down
Well those who are keeping up, Last month I had IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) at the beginning and we had to wait TWO LONG weeks to test for pregnancy and we were met with a negative and my cycle. So this meant we could start another IUI cycle right away. SOOO we did!
This time they put me on Follistim and will give me a trigger shot to get an ovulation. So we saw the doctor on Sunday (yes Sunday cycles don't wait for anyone or anything) and the Follistim is working! So WEDNESDAY I will have IUI #2. Then there will be another two week wait...
April is bringing warm weather and DIY projects, which have to be done before the 13th. CJ WILL start school on the 16th and then I loose my best carpenter! He is so great to indulge my DIY projects (Pictures to come). So Stay tuned!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Beach Weather Has Began!
Today was our first beach trip of 2012! We got Five Guys burgers and fries and headed to Isle of Palms with the dogs!
We had a lot of fun and can not wait to go more!
Gage Loves to play in the water, and when CJ kicks the water in the air we get some trick jumping!
We found what we thought was an alive Jelly Fish, but CJ put it in the water and it didn't move. It was pretty cool though
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Our Journey through Infertility
I love to read of peoples journey with infertility. It gives me strength and courage to go through it myself. I have not kept it a secret from anyone but I don't share it openly like on face book. I also have not been recording it on my blog, but I am hoping that sharing my story might help some one some where.
CJ and I decide it is time to start a family after being married for 6 months. We prayed about it and went to the Temple and thought it would be best to start trying, but I don't think either of us knew it would be a journey.
In August 2008 we got our first negative pregnancy test and I was not to surprised, we had only been off birth control for 2 months I just figured it would take longer for it to leave my system. So we kept trying. By November I was a little worried. My periods had become irregular and we were still getting negative tests. So I made an appointment with our family physician. She asked all the normal questions and drew some blood. Then she informed me I was just to stressed out and it would happen when it was suppose to. I was not quite comfortable with this answer, but I figured doctor knows best. So we continued to try.
CJ and I decide it is time to start a family after being married for 6 months. We prayed about it and went to the Temple and thought it would be best to start trying, but I don't think either of us knew it would be a journey.
In August 2008 we got our first negative pregnancy test and I was not to surprised, we had only been off birth control for 2 months I just figured it would take longer for it to leave my system. So we kept trying. By November I was a little worried. My periods had become irregular and we were still getting negative tests. So I made an appointment with our family physician. She asked all the normal questions and drew some blood. Then she informed me I was just to stressed out and it would happen when it was suppose to. I was not quite comfortable with this answer, but I figured doctor knows best. So we continued to try.
We began the year with just trying and I found out many of the girls I was close to and became friends with had fertility problems and kept telling me something was not right with my cycle and I needed to see a specialist. I kept putting it off, not only was CJ and I working and attending school full time, My insurance probably wouldn’t cover to much. School Districts really don’t want teachers to get pregnant... But I finally gave in about October. We went in to Prescott Women’s Clinic to see Dr. Ohenesian. I had heard from a close friend he was great and very supportive. So in October we did a few blood tests and then a vaginal ultra sound. The blood test came back fine, but the ultra sound showed I did have cysts on my ovaries. I wasn’t sure what that really meant and how to “cure” it.
Early 2010 Dr. Ohenesian finally sat down with me and told me there is no cure for Poly-cystic ovaries, we would just have to take precautionary measures when I wasn’t pregnant to keep them small. Then he told me I had three options: 1) Go on birth control for three months and then pull off, to shock my system; 2) Use Clomid (ovulation drug with crazy side effects) or 3) just keep trying. Well I started off small, we went with birth control.
By this time we knew CJ would be joining the Navy in September and that I was going to have to quit teaching, which meant our insurance would disappear in June. I was quite upset and felt like we would never figure out what we were going to do and if we would ever get pregnant. I don’t know how many nights I cried myself to sleep.
After we arrived in South Carolina I finally got in to see my doctor on base in December and she gave me a referral to an outside (off Base) OB-GYN.
By this time we knew CJ would be joining the Navy in September and that I was going to have to quit teaching, which meant our insurance would disappear in June. I was quite upset and felt like we would never figure out what we were going to do and if we would ever get pregnant. I don’t know how many nights I cried myself to sleep.
After we arrived in South Carolina I finally got in to see my doctor on base in December and she gave me a referral to an outside (off Base) OB-GYN.
In March I got an appointment with Dr. Sutton. I was so nervous and really did not want to start everything over, but because it had been so long since labs had been done I had to do all the blood tests again, but this time she ordered a semen analysis and a hysterosalpingogram (HSG), which is a dye x-ray of my tubes. This was the first one these two, but I was glad it was being done. I was not very pleased with this doctor, I only saw her twice but all she could do was talk down to me about my weight and she never explained anything to me about the plan of action. Thankfully the Doctor for my HSG told me everything was ok and the nurse at the OB office told me the semen analysis was fine as well. Then Dr. Sutton put me on a newer medication called Letrezole or Fermara. It is used for post menopausal beast cancer patients, but they also found it helps ovulation with out the side effects of Clomid. She also put me on Metforman to help keep my insulin levels at a lower level. Women with PCOS have higher Insulin levels which makes it harder to lose weight. I thought I was doing good moving forward with my trial, but then I joined a Military spouse infertility page and was reading some of their doctors visits and found their doctors were really watching their cycles. Dr. Sutton told me when to take the meds, when to take an ovulation test and then when to call her. She would then bump up the dosage of Letrezole and the cycle would repeat. Nothing seemed to happen, I had been on the medication for three months and she only wanted to try it for five. On the fourth month she brought me in for an ultra sound and the Tech nurse told me I ovulate later than most women. URG I was so pissed. I had been testing a week and a half early pretty much missing my window. So for the final month on Letrezole I waited to test and still did not get my answers. During all of this I spoke only to a nurse about everything never did see Dr. Sutton.
I had a friend tell me about Southeastern Fertility Clinic in Charleston so I asked for a referral there! I knew it probably meant starting over again, but I was hoping it would be with someone who actually knew what they were doing.
I had a friend tell me about Southeastern Fertility Clinic in Charleston so I asked for a referral there! I knew it probably meant starting over again, but I was hoping it would be with someone who actually knew what they were doing.
Finally at the end of January I got an initial appointment at Southeastern, and they wanted CJ to come with. Up till now I had not really included CJ, he just heard from me what had happened and I never realized til then that I had shut him out of an issue that we really both had to deal with. So I felt so much better having him there. I love my new doctor Dr. Patton. He is amazing! He drew us a detailed picture of what was happening and why it was happening. Then we went in and did an ultra sound and he said that only one of my ovaries was PCOS the other was perfectly fine. He then told us what he would like to do, since being on Letrezole alone was not working then we would be more aggressive and monitor my cycle. I didn’t know what to think, Dr. Patton was talking to CJ and I like we were adults and he was educating us instead of talking down to us. So after talking to Dr. Patton we decided to do an Intrauterine insemination cycle (IUI). We would cause a period then start Letrezole. I would have day three labs done and an ultrasound to see how my body is working. after that I would wait til day 11 to go in for another ultra sound and see what my progress was, well I really was not developing follicles very well and so we just continued to ovulation test for about two weeks and finally on March 2nd we did received a positive test. SO we went in to Dr. Patton’s and had an IUI done. Now we are waiting to take a pregnancy test. Takes time just like anything else.
That was the technical side, if you don’t want to hear about my feelings you should probably stop reading NOW!
When this all started I really wasn’t sure how to feel, but I did get a lot of remarks along the lines of it just isn’t time or isn’t our time. I usually just nodded and walked away. I don’t event hink my mom knew how to comfort me, or at least I didn’t think she did or an other person who never had difficulties getting pregnant. The first year did not really bug me about pregnant people and seeing them or talking to them, but then after two years and family members getting pregnant who were still kids themselves, I started to become bitter. Never to any ones face or to any of the family, but at home and with CJ I was. I was mad and could not understand why I was being punished. I had done everything right, graduated college, married a great guy, and had a great career. What was I doing wrong. I kept it in and let it build and build then when CJ worked late or worked on a Saturday I cried. I cried myself to sleep, I cried while watching movies, taking a shower, driving to work, sitting outside. I seemed to always cry. My heart felt heavy, I felt like there was one piece of life I just couldn’t have and probably never would. Then last year every one was pregnant, both sister in laws, cousins, friends, new people in our ward, and every other girl on base! Oh I couldn’t handle it. Every one wanted me to attend baby showers, every one wanted to talk about their babies. I just wanted to pull my hair out and scream in their faces, “SHUT UP! I DON”T CARE THAT YOU CAN GET PREGNANT WHEN EVER YOU WANT!” It was a poison just waiting to slip off my tongue and some times it did. I couldn’t help it. I pretty much hit the bottom. I prayed and I fasted and I went to the Temple, but it all seemed to be for nothing. Other prayers and blessing were in our lives and I saw past them because the one I wanted wasn’t being answered.
I then got involved with an infertility support group and read some of there blogs and realized I could have it much worse. When I was having a bad day I told them and they gave me ways to relax and let it pass.
I knew I was not sitting right with my heart and when CJ and I went to talk to the Bishop about our Tithing settlement we told him what we were going through with infertility and I just felt like I need a blessing from him and CJ. I was so thankful I said something. I had never felt the Spirit so strong and I never felt like He was talking directly to me since I got my Patriarchal Blessing. He had said He heard my prayers and when I was at the Temple He was there with me. He knew how I was feeling and that I would be a mother just keep believing He will be my strength. I felt so amazing, I felt like I could get through this I could with Christ there by me. Since then I have been trying hard to remember there is a plan for me and He knows how strong I can be and He will hold my hand through it all!
So here I am still alive, but a better person and living day by day just thankful for the blessing I do have. I do count my blessings every day knowing Christ is with me and will always be if I keep myself worthy!
That was the technical side, if you don’t want to hear about my feelings you should probably stop reading NOW!
When this all started I really wasn’t sure how to feel, but I did get a lot of remarks along the lines of it just isn’t time or isn’t our time. I usually just nodded and walked away. I don’t event hink my mom knew how to comfort me, or at least I didn’t think she did or an other person who never had difficulties getting pregnant. The first year did not really bug me about pregnant people and seeing them or talking to them, but then after two years and family members getting pregnant who were still kids themselves, I started to become bitter. Never to any ones face or to any of the family, but at home and with CJ I was. I was mad and could not understand why I was being punished. I had done everything right, graduated college, married a great guy, and had a great career. What was I doing wrong. I kept it in and let it build and build then when CJ worked late or worked on a Saturday I cried. I cried myself to sleep, I cried while watching movies, taking a shower, driving to work, sitting outside. I seemed to always cry. My heart felt heavy, I felt like there was one piece of life I just couldn’t have and probably never would. Then last year every one was pregnant, both sister in laws, cousins, friends, new people in our ward, and every other girl on base! Oh I couldn’t handle it. Every one wanted me to attend baby showers, every one wanted to talk about their babies. I just wanted to pull my hair out and scream in their faces, “SHUT UP! I DON”T CARE THAT YOU CAN GET PREGNANT WHEN EVER YOU WANT!” It was a poison just waiting to slip off my tongue and some times it did. I couldn’t help it. I pretty much hit the bottom. I prayed and I fasted and I went to the Temple, but it all seemed to be for nothing. Other prayers and blessing were in our lives and I saw past them because the one I wanted wasn’t being answered.
I then got involved with an infertility support group and read some of there blogs and realized I could have it much worse. When I was having a bad day I told them and they gave me ways to relax and let it pass.
I knew I was not sitting right with my heart and when CJ and I went to talk to the Bishop about our Tithing settlement we told him what we were going through with infertility and I just felt like I need a blessing from him and CJ. I was so thankful I said something. I had never felt the Spirit so strong and I never felt like He was talking directly to me since I got my Patriarchal Blessing. He had said He heard my prayers and when I was at the Temple He was there with me. He knew how I was feeling and that I would be a mother just keep believing He will be my strength. I felt so amazing, I felt like I could get through this I could with Christ there by me. Since then I have been trying hard to remember there is a plan for me and He knows how strong I can be and He will hold my hand through it all!
So here I am still alive, but a better person and living day by day just thankful for the blessing I do have. I do count my blessings every day knowing Christ is with me and will always be if I keep myself worthy!
Ready for the beach!
I find some awesome stuff on Pinterest and I had backed away cause I ran out of room in my house for projects but I found one I could wear!

These flip flops were so easy and cheap to make. Walmart has flip flops on sale for a couple dollars and I already had the fabric. You can go here. Took me about 20 minutes!
Friday, March 9, 2012
Wait Wait Wait...
Oh we have been waiting! CJ graduated Power School (second School) in Early October and has been on Grad Hold ever since, which means he has been working but not learning his job. We were hoping to start the third school which is called Prototype in February, but they told us since he had a high GPA they were going to bump him back to April. Now April would be great but if there is not enough room they will push back to June.
We did have a little excitement last week when they told us we would be moving to New York in April to start school there. I was in a frenzy figuring out what to do! But CJ fixed our problem by showing our Fertility Doctor Referral and they put him back on the April list!
So we wait and wait and wait!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Love the East Coast
CJ had a three weekend so we decided that Monday we went to Savannah GA. We took a great friend of ours and we were able to visit Bass Pro Shop, which well CJ had a gift card for and he was really excited to go to, but then we were able to drive around Savannah!
We got a really detailed tour by car because they had a huge MLK day parade, and we had to get around that... SO we got some great pictures.

We were also able to go and visit The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. It was a beautiful Building! My pictures turned out amazing!

We enjoyed walking down by the river and all the stores. They had a few candy making stores, we want go back and walk around EVERYWHERE! I love being on this side of the country!
P.S. If you have read Work and the Glory and Joshua goes to Savannah to start his Cotton company, well I walked along the Cotton Factory walks, that over look the incoming product! It was great!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Your Here 2012
OK so this year is starting SLOW. I am glad cause later this year it is going to explode.
CJ is still on Graduation hold from Power School and is working at Prototype as the TAD (Temporarily Assigned Duty) liaison between Prototype and Power school. He likes it, but he finds out information first and well the bit we don't want a DELAY!
It has been a pattern between Machinist Mates that you graduate and have a 4 month wait then start Prototype, but when something goes wrong and starts backing up they take the smartest and make them wait.
Yup CJ is having to wait because he can retain information better. As he says he is being punished for being smart. I wanted him to start in February as well, but April will work as well. If he starts then we could possibly be moving in October. We wont know where we are going till weeks before graduation and we can put in a wish list, but we will see what they do.
Of Course we would love to be on the West Coast, but I am starting to realize that where we go is going to be for a reason.
We have many adventures in front of us and we are wiling to share with an and every part of our family and friends! Come Visit!
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