Now the start of our new chapter:
Soon our three years of living in Prescott Valley as a married couple will end. CJ has been waiting for this day to come and finally it has. Since November of 2009 CJ has been waiting to leave for Naval Recruit Training. On September 1st of 2010 CJ flew out to Great Lakes IL for two months of rigorous training and learning Navy life. For two months I have to resort to living out of a storage unit
and my parents home. As of September 15th 2010 I officially reside in a small bedroom with a twin mattress at a home I thought I would never live in again.
My mom and my In-Laws and I will go to Chicago on October 29th to watch CJ graduate from basic training. At that point we will find out when we move to South Carolina for two years, where CJ will do schooling for Nuclear Propulsion. There is so much to be done between now and then and I have a great friend whose husband is in the Airforce who is really helping with information.
I write to him everyday and so far only one phone call has come through. All I have received from him is a box with his clothes he wore to boot camp, so hopefully in the next few days I should be receiving his information about graduation and how to get my military ID.
I am so grateful to have a husband that is willing to serve his country and be strong enough to be away for two months. He is going to be a great Navy Sailor (and very Handsome too!). I can't wait for the next section of our chapter to start!