Well my first week in my second year is done! Yay! But it did not start out very easy!
At the end of last year because of all the budget crisis I was handed a RIF letter (Reduction in Force). Then I had to call my principal to ask if he wanted me back (I would do anything to just have a job this year), and he said yes I want you to come back as Kindergarten. Ok cool see in July. So at the end of the month I went in to get my keys, they gave them to me and I happily started to unpack and figure out what I was going to do for my classroom. Tuesday morning before I was official do back my principal calls and asks to see me in his office ASAP. School hasn't even started and already I am in trouble. Nope he wanted tot ell me my job once again is in the air. We did not have as many Kinders sign up than he had hoped, so if they did not get the numbers by the end of the week he was going to give me second grade with pretty much all the same kids from last year. So he told me to stop unpacking my room and to sit tight till Friday when he made the decision. AHHH I was pulling my hair out. I needed to start getting stuff put away and sort through them, I am crazy like that. So three days later he called up and said "Ok I am just going to have to decide, your going to second grade."
So now I have a great looking room and an awesome team to work with and well am excited to see my students progress through this year!
Now onto CJ, well it is his last year!!! We are so excited, I can't wait till I don't have to worry about my job! He is just taking nursing classes which helps with study time, but he also has to work full time just to keep his insurance. He likes where he works, but is ready to move onto bigger and better things. I am a little worried because that will probably take us to Phoenix, where he can work at a Trauma one center!
Other than that we are doing great and still just as in love as ever!