Nobody beleives our story, but it is a true and amazing adventure that all started with a simple Hello. I just graduated from college and moved back home to do student teaching. I was attending the singles ward and well ran into the ward clerk, who is very tall dark and hansome. He took my info and then he turned away and was gone. Well for the next
two months I plotted with friends to set up ways that we could be around each other without it being a threatening situation. Well it seemed like nothing would work. I would wait after church a little to walk outside with him, but that never worked either, he would either stay late or would end up walking out with guys. I even tried being friendly on MYSPACE, but this guy was not taking any of the bait.
One sunday I had to give a talk at our ward, my mom and sister were there, so I decided I would look at them (public speaking is not my thing). But instead I felt myself looking at CJ more than anyone else. I was so nervous that he thought I was stalking him, so I kept to myself the rest of the day, but my mom knew exactly who he was before I even pointed him out. She said "He is your type, no wonder you were attracted to him."
Well at the end of church that Sunday we were all standing around chatting and CJ happened to be there talking with us, so I blurted out "So would be interested in doing a group fidhing/BBQ thing out at the lake?" Well he said that would be nice. I told him I would have to get the details to him later, but hey great way to talk to him in the future.
Well the day went buy and I just did the usual stuff, but at about 6pm I checked my voice messages. There was one from him, from CJ. I was so excited I was jumping up and down and all over the place. I went down and let my mom, sister, and friend listen to it. He was asking me on a date!!! I called him back and well left him a message. He finally called me back and we set it up.
After that the rest was history. We Dated for just under one month, and he asked me to marry him. and then four months later I was able to be Cinderella going to the ball. We were sealed for all time and eternity.